1888 – The earliest surviving film, the Roundhay Garden Scene, by French inventor Louis Le Prince, is shot in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, through a groundbreaking 20 frames per second.Le Prince went on to develop the one lens camera and on the 14th October 1888 he finally made the world's first moving image, Roundhay Garden Scene. Pictures from the film were sent in a letter dated 18 August 1887 to his wife.
Although according to David Wilkinson's 2015 documentary The First Film it's not film, but a series of photographs, 16 in all, each taken from one of the lens from Le Prince's camera. 1887 – Man Walking Around a Corner, directed by French inventor Louis Le Prince.1886 – Louis Le Prince is granted an American dual-patent on a 16-lens device that combines a motion picture camera with a projector.1885 – American inventors George Eastman and Hannibal Goodwin each invent a sensitized celluloid base roll photographic film to replace the glass plates then in use.Muybridge went on a lecture tour showing his photographs on a moving-image device he called the zoopraxiscope. Muybridge's photos showed the horse with all four feet off the ground. Railroad tycoon Leland Stanford hired Muybridge to settle the questions of whether a galloping horse ever had all four of its feet off the ground. The most famous of these electro-photographs is "Sallie Gardner" taken on June 19, 1878. An additional card reprinted the single image of the horse "Occident" trotting at high speed, which had previously been published by Muybridge in 1877. Muybridge shot the photographs in June 1878. 1878 – British photographer Eadweard Muybridge take a series of "automatic electro-photographs" called The Horse in Motion depicting the movement of a horse.

It is the oldest film on IMDb and Letterboxd. On December 9, 1874, french astronomer Pierre Janssen and Brazilian engineer Francisco Antônio de Almeida using Janssen's ' photographic revolver' photograph the transit of the planet Venus across the Sun. 1874 – First precedent of a film, Passage de Vénus.There's no clue if more than one camera was used in the shoot, but it's certainly well-executed. As the sequence revolves around space rather than time it is even more related to the bullet-time effect popularized by The Matrix about 135 years later. This could be regarded as a predecessor to the chronophotography which Marey and Muybridge started to experiment with more than 10 years later. Except for a smile in 1 frame, not even a fold in his jacket or a single hair seems to change between the different angles. Around 1865 he produced this series of self-portraits consisting of 12 frames showing different angles of him sitting still in a chair. 1865 – Revolving, self-portrait by French photographer Nadar.

The sequences were basically made as time-lapse recordings. No offense, folks, but Cheetah may have more sense than you.Before Muybridge's 1878 work, photo sequences were not recorded in real-time because light-sensitive emulsions needed a long exposure time. Everyone and his grandmother will now see this film, to check out the controversy.
What you have done is to give “Jungle Heat” a bazillion dollars of free publicity. They simply ignored her, and now no one thinks of her when they watch the Cowboys take on an opponent. I mean, the Dallas Cowboys didn’t sue the makers of the porn film “Debbie Does Dallas,” despite Debbie’s appearance in a Cowboys cheerleader outfit. If you had simply kept quiet and stewed privately in your understandably boiling juices, only a relatively small number of porn fans would have seen this product, would have chuckled over it and that would have been that. A note to the descendants of Edgar Rice Burroughs: A new X-rated sex movie / CD ROM called “Jungle Heat” appears to be so fully based on your famed ancestor’s character Tarzan that you want to sue.